Birmingham - Edgbaston - County Cricket Ground
Edgbaston Road : B5 7QU
The Edgbaston cricket ground is the home of Warwick County Cricket Club and has occasionally been used for bicycle races. The Country Gentleman's Newspaper of July 20th 1889 reported that the Speedwell BC moved its annual sports from Aston Lower Ground to the grass track at Warwickshire County Cricket Ground at Edgbaston. Unfortunately, the weather for the first year's sports was very wet and they lost money. The club persisted and in the following year 2,000 spectators watched the sports in fine weather. The meeting saw a battle between H Synyer and local champion WA Illston, with Synyer winning the 5 miles scratch race in 18 min 13 sec.

"Sport and Play and Wheel World" records the results of races in 1901 and the Saracen Road Club held sports meetings at the ground after the Second World War.

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